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QC Kinetix Latham


Phone (838) 900-3360
Address 711 Troy Schenectady Rd, Suite 207,
Latham, NY 12110 United States


If you're looking for a top-rated regenerative medicine clinic in Latham or near Albany, NY, look no further than QC Kinetix. We pride ourselves on offering various regenerative treatments for chronic pain, sports injuries, and hair loss. We aim to help you find long-term relief and improve your quality of life without invasive surgery or chemical-laden prescription medications. Our medical team undergoes periodic training and research to ensure our patients receive top-quality care. We understand the struggles of stubborn, chronic pain. That's why we work hard to help patients from all walks of life find the relief they need without invasive procedures.

Contact our medical professionals at QC Kinetix to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about our regenerative medicine treatments in Latham, NY.

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